Connecting your Viessmann heating system with Wi-Fi and internet
- How can I connect my Viessmann heating system to the ViCare app?
- What requirements must my network fulfill in order to integrate my Viessmann heating system?
- How can I connect my Viessmann One Base heating system to the ViCare app?
- In which cases do I need the Vitoconnect communication module?
- How can I use the ViCare app with the Vitoconnect interface?
- What do the Vitoconnect LED displays mean?
- My network data has changed and my heating system is offline. How can I reconnect it to the ViCare app?
- My Wi-Fi settings have changed. How can I reconnect the Vitoconnect to my home network?
- How can I reconfigure my network?
- How can I check and improve the signal strength of my internet connection?
- Where can I check the Wi-Fi strength?
- What do I have to do to receive software updates for my Viessmann energy system?
- How can I reboot the Vitoconnect communication module?
- The ViCare app no longer connects to the heating system. What do I have to do to restore the connection?
- How can I pair the Vicare app and the Vitoconnect again (Vitoconnect pairing)?
- How can I use repeaters to ensure optimum signal strength for the operation of my ViCare Radiator Thermostats?
- My internet is working, but my Smart Climate devices are not communicating with each other. What is the reason and how can I fix it?