To be able to control your ViCare Smart Climate components via the ViCare app, you must add a system in the app. In these two cases, you must use the Vitoconnect for this:
- You have an older generation Viessmann heating system. In this case, you can connect the Vitoconnect to the system via an Opto-Link cable to make your heating system internet-enabled and use the ViCare app (see list below). Further information: How to connect the Vitoconnect.
- You have a heating system from a manufacturer other than Viessmann or do not have direct access to your heating system and only want to use the ViCare app for your Smart Climate components. In this case, the Vitoconnect connects all components to each other and to the ViCare app as a stand-alone solution. This allows you to use the Vitoconnect as a stand-alone solution.
No Vitoconnect is required for Viessmann One Base systems, as these are already equipped with an integrated Wi-Fi communication module.
Below you will find a list of older generation heating systems that work with ViCare devices in combination with the Vitoconnect:
- Vitocal 200-S Type: WO1A, WO1B, WO1C
- Vitocal 222 Type: WO1A, WO1B
- Vitocal 222-G Type: WO1C
- Vitocal 222-S Type: WO1C
- Vitocal 242-G Type: WO1A, WO1B, WO1C
- Vitocal 242-S Type: WO1C
- Vitocal 333 Type: WO1A, WO1B
- Vitocal 333-G Type: WO1C
- Vitocal 343-G Type: WO1A, WO1B, WO1C
- Vitocal 3xx-A Type: WO1A, WO1B
- Vitocal xxx-A Type: WO1C
- Vitocal xxx-G Type: WO1C
- Vitocrossal 300 Type: HO1A, KW6B
- Vitocrossal 300 Modell: CU3A Type: KW6B
- Vitodens 200 Type: HO1B, HO2B, HO2C
- Vitodens 200-W Type: HO1, HO1A, HO1B
- Vitodens 222-F Type: HO1A, HO1B
- Vitodens 242-F Type: HO1A, HO1B
- Vitodens 2xx-F Model: B2HA, B2KA, B2LA, B2TA, B2SA Type: HO1B
- Vitodens 2xx-W Model: B2HA, B2KA, B2LA, B2TA, B2SA Type: HO1B
- Vitodens 300-W Type: HO1, HO1A, HO1B, HO1C, HO2B, HO2C
- Vitodens 333-F Type: HO1, HO1A, HO1B, HO1C, HO2B, HO2C
- Vitodens 343-F Type: HO1A, HO1B, HO1C, HO2B, HO2C
- Vitola 100 Type: KW1, KW2
- Vitola 200 Type: KO1B
- Vitoladens 300-C Type: HO1A, HO1B, KW6B
- Vitoladens 300-T Type: KO1B
- Vitoladens 300-W Type: HO1, HO1B
- Vitoladens 333-F Type: HO1A, HO1B
- Vitoligno 200-S Ecotronic v2.03+
- Vitoligno 250-F Ecotronic v2.00+
- Vitoligno 250-S Ecotronic v2.00+
- Vitoligno 300-C Ecotronic v2.12+
- Vitoligno 300-H Ecotronic
- Vitoligno 300-S Ecotronic v2.04+
- Vitoligno 300-P Type: F01
- Vitorondens 200-T Type: KO2B
- Vitorondens 222-F Type: KO2B
- Vitocaldens 222-F Type: WO1C
- Vitogas 200-F Type: KO1B, KO2B
- Vitopend 200-W Type: HO1, HO1A, HO1B
- Vitoplus 300 Type: HO1
- Vitosolar 300-F Type: HO1C
- Vitosorp 200-F